
Wonderful Zodiac Fortune Telling Cards

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Wonderful Zodiac Fortune Telling Cards

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  • Description

Capitalizing on the new popularity of tarot without being lost in the endless sea of tarot decks, these cards have a fun gameplay-type feel and a mysterious backstory. Retro, vintage, and accessible, The Wonderful Zodiac Fortune Telling Cards will predict your future...and more.

The Wonderful Zodiac Fortune Telling Card Deck is easy to learn and easy for players to begin to use. This retro deck was inspired by one made famous in the 1930s by Harry Ingalls of Swampscott, MA. Claiming to be a “world famous” fortune teller, Ingalls created a novelty deck that allowed everyday people to read the fortunes of friends and family.

This inspired deck has multiple uses: fortune-telling, wish prediction, lucky numbers, and astrology. Tell the future, answer yes or no questions, and impress your friends with your clairvoyance.

Designer:  Small Monsters Games
Publisher: Andrews McMeel
Size: 2.5 x 3.5
Notes: deck of 31 cards
Release Date: June 16, 2020
ISBN: 978-1524860400