
Atomic Books
3620 Falls Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21211 USA
Regular Bookstore Hours:
Monday - 12 - 5
Tuesday - 12 - 5
Wednesday 12 - 8
Thursday 12 - 7
Friday 12 - 8
Saturday 12 - 7
Sunday 12 - 6
Regular Eightbar Hours:
Wednesday 5 - 8
Friday 5 - 8
Saturday 4 - 7
info@atomicbooks.com for general inquiries
Consignment Inquiries
Please email consignment@atomicbooks.com
Rachel Whang:
Co-owner. Book events coordinator, book buyer, accounts payable.
Benn Ray:
Co-owner. Bar events coordinator, comic buyer, beer buyer, website manager.
Coming from Downtown/Inner Harbor
Take Pratt Street towards Little Italy (past the Inner Harbor, ESPN Zone, Hard Rock Cafe, etc.) and turn left onto President Street/I-83 then follow the I-83 North directions below.
From I-95 North:
Take Exit 53 (395/Inner Harbor) and stay in the left lane. Turn right onto Pratt Street. Go past the Inner Harbor, ESPN Zone, Hard Rock Cafe, etc. and turn left onto President Street/I-83 then follow the I-83 North directions below.
From I-83 North (Inner Harbor)
Take Exit 8, Falls Road exit. Merge onto Falls Road. Atomic Books a little after the first stop light at the intersection of Falls Rd. & 36th St. on the left.
From I-95 South:
Take I-695, the Baltimore Beltway to Exit 23A (I-83 South) and follow the I-83 South directions below.
From I-83 South
Take exit 9A (East Cold Spring Lane.) Get in the left lane coming off the exit and turn left at the light onto Cold Spring. At the 3rd light turn right onto Falls Road. We are on the right before you get to the intersection of Falls Rd. & 36th St.
From the Light Rail
Get off the Light Rail at the Woodberry stop. Take the Shuttle Bug which will drop you off near the inetersection of 36th St. & Falls Rd. Feel like walking? Walk up the hill (east) on Union Ave. to Falls Road, turn right on Falls Road. We are on the right before you get to the intersection of Falls Rd. & 36th St. It's about a 10-minute walk.