Upcoming clubs, events and other related goings on!
The Atomic Reading Club meets on the last Tuesday of each month (except this month, we're meeting on the last Monday of the month) from 7 - 8:30pm in Atomic Books Eightbar.
Our theme this year is: BAD LOVE. More info here.
For more information, visit the Facebook group.
This month: Rachel Yoder's Nightbitch

Show up on Sunday to Eightbar. You pay 1/2 price of the value of the pack. You get a pack of 4 comics. Packs are limited.
From 3-4:15 we read the comics.
From 4:15- 5:30 we discuss the comics.
The point of ACK is for us to check out some new comics and discuss them together.
For more information, visit the Facebook group.
33 1/3 For The Record music & book club meets the second Wednesday of every month in Atomic Books' Eightbar to listen to and discuss records featured in the 33 1/3 book stories. For more information, visit the Facebook group.
The Atomic Reading Club meets on the last Tuesday of each month (except this month, we're meeting on the last Monday of the month) from 7 - 8:30pm in Atomic Books Eightbar.
Our theme this year is: BAD LOVE. More info here.
For more information, visit the Facebook group.
This month: Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma by Claire Dederer
33 1/3 For The Record music & book club meets the second Wednesday of every month in Atomic Books' Eightbar to listen to and discuss records featured in the 33 1/3 book stories. For more information, visit the Facebook group.
The Atomic Reading Club meets on the last Tuesday of each month (except this month, we're meeting on the last Monday of the month) from 7 - 8:30pm in Atomic Books Eightbar.
Our theme this year is: BAD LOVE. More info here.
For more information, visit the Facebook group.
This month: This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtal and Max Gladstone
The Atomic Reading Club meets on the last Tuesday of each month (except this month, we're meeting on the last Monday of the month) from 7 - 8:30pm in Atomic Books Eightbar.