Microcosm Publishing

Unfuck Your Anger: Using Science to Understand Frustration, Rage, and Forgiveness


Microcosm Publishing

Unfuck Your Anger: Using Science to Understand Frustration, Rage, and Forgiveness

  • Description

If you've ever been so pissed off that you did things that you regretted, or ruined your own day and some other people's too, this book is for you. Or if you feel angry every single day and it's affecting your health and sleep and love of life. Or if you've got very good reasons to be mad as hell, and you aren't going to take it anymore. Or if you've repressed your anger all your life and now it's all coming out at once.

Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr Faith explains here what the hell is going on in your brain and how to retrain yourself to deal with enraging situations more productively and without torpedoing your relationships.

This book gives you a heady dose of neuroscience and cultural explanation of what anger is and what it does to you, and then gives you a handy four-step checklist to help you deal with maddening situations after (or before) the fact, guidance on getting over things, and a chapter on forgiveness. Your brain actually knows what it's doing, and anger can be a good thing sometimes—just not if it's ruining your life..

Author: Faith Harper PhD LPC-S ACS ACN
Publisher: Microcosm Publishing
Page Count: 128pp
Size: 5.25 x 6.75
Notes: paperback
Date of Publication: November 25, 2019
ISBN: 978-1621063384