Hardscrabble Cafe

Town And County #2


Hardscrabble Cafe

Town And County #2

  • Description

Town & County is a comics magazine featuring stories about a fictional small town in rural Illinois, written and drawn by Alex Nall.

The second issue continues the marital woes and histories of Luann and Stanley Pepper, Suzy Barber and Sherman Snow's ongoing romance is threatened by the return of an old classmate, Don Homer reunites with his now-grown daughters and realizes their lives may not be as placid as he once believed, and in the stand-alone story 'Do What I Dare', a young boy and his mother escape from brutal forces at home, and set off on an ill-fated road trip that will drive them apart, yet irrevocably bring them closer together.

Author/Artist: Alex Nall
Publisher: Hardscrabble Cafe
Pages: 38pp
Size: 8.5 x 11
Notes: saddle-stitched, b/w
Date of Release: 2023