
Tongues Chapter 5



Tongues Chapter 5

  • Description

Prometheus receives an unexpected visitor with earth-shaking tidings, Astrid meets an enemy underground, Nico and Teddy Roosevelt are ambushed, there's an explosive argument between brothers and someone loses their head.

Tongues’ fifth chapter has arrived! The packed, 56-page issue is framed by an extended, contentious, three-part conversation between the Prisoner and a certain Unexpected Visitor about the fate of the world. Their talk takes us back into the ancient past and then ends explosively, altering both parties' prospects and the course of the story generally. In between, we go underground with Astrid, witnessing an encounter with an adversary, and Teddy Roosevelt and Nico have a rendezvous in the desert that ends… badly. A few other small beginnings and endings are folded in as well, one of which floats us slowly to distant corners of the earth. We can't say much more than that without spoiling things. There's some good stuff here.

Author/Artist: Anders Nilsen
Publisher: Fantagraphics
Page Count: 56pp
Size: 9 x 12.25
Notes: saddle-stitched, color, french flaps
Date of Publication: June 7, 2022
ISBN: 978-0999220252