Wakefield Press

Remedios Varo: Letters, Dreams, and Other Writings

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Wakefield Press

Remedios Varo: Letters, Dreams, and Other Writings

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  • Description

While the reputation of Remedios Varo (1908–63) the surrealist painter is now well established, Remedios Varo the writer has yet to be fully discovered.

Her writings, which were never published during her life let alone translated into English, present something of a missing chapter and offer the same qualities to be found in her visual work: an engagement with mysticism and magic, a breakdown of the border between the everyday and the marvelous, a love of mischief and an ongoing meditation on the need for (and the trauma of) escape in all its forms.

Author: Remedios Varo
Translator: Margaret Carson
Publisher: Wakefield Press
Pages: 128pp
Size: 4.5 x 7
Notes: paperback, b/w
Release Date: November 27, 2018
ISBN: 978-1939663399