Razorcake Press

One Punk's Guide to the Films of Pedro Almodovar


Razorcake Press

One Punk's Guide to the Films of Pedro Almodovar

  • Description

Almodovar films are an unyielding orgasm of color and anarchy. His movies are simultaneously an exploration and cannibalism of genre. Almodovar stuck with his vision through an obstacle course of financial barriers, making an astoundingly minimal number of compromises. There is not a film he created solely for a paycheck and not a frame of his work that is not worth seeing.

Originally ran as “Madrid’s Dreaming: The Films of Pedro Almodovar” in Razorcake #57, Aug./Sept. 2010.

Author: Billups Allen
Illustrator: Amy Shapiro
Publisher: Razorcake Press
Page Count: 32pp
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Notes: saddle-stitched, b/w