Razorcake Press

One Punk's Guide to Surf Music


Razorcake Press

One Punk's Guide to Surf Music

  • Description

Music is a continuum. All good music is some combination of embracing and rejecting traditions. I’m using a more expansive genre definition for surf music. I’m including spy, horror, spaghetti western, eleki, Indorock, and a bunch of other subgenres into surf.

Originally appeared in Razorcake 132 (Feb./March 2023) and 133 (April/May 2023)

Author: Sean Carswell
Illustrator: Brad Beshaw
Publisher: Razorcake Press
Page Count: 36pp
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Notes: saddle-stitched, b/w
Date of Publication: April 18, 2024