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McSweeney's three-time National Magazine Award-winning quarterly brings you our 78th issue, guest-edited by Thi Bui and Vu Tran, the issue comes to you inside a stunning keepsake box and commemorates the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war.
Ever changing, each issue of the quarterly is completely redesigned (there have been hardcovers and paperbacks, an issue with two spines, an issue with a magnetic binding, an issue that looked like a bundle of junk mail, and an issue that looked like a sweaty human head), but always brings you the very best in new literary fiction.
About McSweeney's Quarterly:
Ever changing, each issue of the quarterly is completely redesigned (there have been hardcovers and paperbacks, an issue with two spines, an issue with a magnetic binding, an issue that looked like a bundle of junk mail, and an issue that looked like a sweaty human head), but always brings you the very best in new literary fiction.
Editors: Dave Eggers / Rita Bullwinkel / Thi Bui / Vu Tran
Publisher: McSweeney's Books
Pages: tba
Size: tba
Notes: paperback, cover not final
Release Date: April 30, 2025
ISBN: 978-1963270198