Ghost Ship

Manga Diary Of A Male Porn Star Volume 3


Ghost Ship

Manga Diary Of A Male Porn Star Volume 3

  • Description


Being a porn star is hard work…and unfortunately for Kaeruno, it doesn’t quite pay the bills! When an old friend clues him in on an office job with a flexible schedule, Kaeruno jumps at the chance. Now he’s an office worker by day, and a porn star by night! But juggling the two isn’t easy, especially when shoots get delayed, or go longer than scheduled. Whatever happens, he just has to make sure it won’t affect his performance!

Author/Artist: Erefante Kaeruno
Publisher: Ghost Ship
Page Count: 168pp
Size: 5 x 7.5
Notes: ADULTS ONLY, softcover, b/w
Date of Publication: February 28, 2023
ISBN: 978-1638586814