New Pacific Press

JFK Vs. Predator


New Pacific Press

JFK Vs. Predator

  • Description

JFK vs Predator is an alternative history, a sort of science fiction, and definitely a short story by Stacey Levine with illustrations by Chuk Baldock.

"History lives both outside and inside our minds. It is a mess until organized."

“….She picks up speed, a lofting mantle of regret and reminiscence inside her, for these past few minutes have opened a Pandora’s-box-of-the-past; meanwhile, she is agitated with an excitement that she’s never experienced. She’s almost flying over the steps. She also wants a vodka neat. Her hand catches onto her neckscarf. That terrible-looking flesh fold on his forehead! My God. It’s him. I know it.”

Author/Artist: Stacey Levine / Chuk Baldock
Publisher: New Pacific Press
Pages: 36pp
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Notes: saddle-stitched, b/w
Release Date: June 2022