- Description
A Special issue of the art quarterly devoted to the finest illustration art ever published.
Join us as we celebrate the life and art of one of the UK's premier graphic novel illustrators as we present a long overdue retrospective of John Burns art, with contributions from friends and colleages as well as access to unpublished and a rare glimpse at his creative process.
From The Seekers, Jane, Lily and Modesty Blaise, to The Tripods, Judge Dredd, Space 1999, The Bionic Woman, The Tomorrow People, Kung Fu, Buck Rogers, Magnum PI, Jane Eyre and much more.
Editor: Diego Cordoba
Publisher: The Book Palace Ltd
Pages: 144pp
Size: 9 x 10.5
Notes: perfect bound, full color, imported from UK
Release Date: February 17, 2021
ISBN: 978-1913548001