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NOT YET AVAILABLE. Pre-order now. This title is scheduled to arrive March 26, 2025.
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Prepare for fresh, new terror as R.L. Stine and Francesco Francavilla's The Life & Death of Lucas Dreamwalker and Robert Hack's I Can't Take You Anywhere continue in the newest installment of the genre-defining horror anthology series!
Meanwhile, a young artist sells her soul and more to an AI chatbot in exchange for fame and success in a sinister new tale by Jordan Thomas and Shaky Kane, and Cullen Bunn and Daniel Bayliss imagine a monstrous new method of disciplining misbehaving students.
Author/Artist: various
Publisher: Boom! Studios
Page Count: 48pp
Size: 7 x 10
Notes: saddle-stitched, full color
Date of Publication: March 26, 2025