Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal #309


Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal #309

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The world's greatest illustrated science fiction taking readers to the edge of the cosmos and beyond.

In space no one can... Deny that Heavy Metal publishes the best sci-fi in the galaxy!

The proof is in the (alien) pudding... Segments by Richard Malka & Juan Giménez, Black Beacon by Ryan K. Lindsay & Sebastian Píriz, Dark Wing by Matthew Medney and Germán Ponce, and The Adventures of Adrienne James by Medney and Geraldo Borges.  However, if you see dead (fictional) people everywhere we also got you covered... The Rise by George C. Romero and Diego Yapur, Maiden by Michelle & Bart Sears, Swamp God by Ron Marz and Armitano, and Savage Circus by Brendan Columbus and Al Barrionuevo!

Editor: Tim Seeley
Publisher: Heavy Metal
Page Count: 144pp
Size: 8.5 x 11
Notes: perfect bound, color
Date of Publication: August 18, 2021