Running Press

Grimm and Grimmer: Classic Fairy Tales Rebooted [PRE-ORDER 02/25]


Running Press

Grimm and Grimmer: Classic Fairy Tales Rebooted [PRE-ORDER 02/25]

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This collection of fourteen reimagined Grimm's fairy tales from award-winning author Mark Russell offers a biting new perspective while proving the classics never go out of style.

In the two hundred years since Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm first published their collection of fairy tales, things haven’t gotten any less—ahem—grim. So tuck yourself in with some of the classic bedtime stories, retold by award-winning author Mark Russell. Grimm and Grimmer offers fourteen of the Brothers Grimm’s finest stories—a mix of well-known tales including "Rapunzel" and "Cinderella," and ones you might not know, like "The Boy Who Didn’t Know Fear"—reconceived for a twenty-first century while staying true to their roots.

At times both laugh-out-loud funny and darker than a wicked stepmother’s heart, this captivating collection captures all the absurdities and anxieties of the world just outside our windows.

Author: Mark Russell
Illustrator: Alicja Kocurek
Publisher: Running Press
Pages: 128pp
Size: 6.25 x 9.25
Notes: hardcover
Release Date: February 25, 2025
ISBN: 978-0762487851