Ahoy Comics

Edgar Allan Poe's Snifter Of Blood #2


Ahoy Comics

Edgar Allan Poe's Snifter Of Blood #2

  • Description

Writer Mark Russell (Second Coming) and artist Peter Snejberg contribute another in their popular original Cereal Monster series: A magical leprechaun invades the castle of a breakfast-obsessed vampire and his undead bride.

PLUS! Poe attempts to explain his classic "Cask of Amontillado" to a group of famous writers who aren't impressed, in a story by Devin Grayson with art by Chris Giarrusso and Richard Williams.

Author/Artist: Mark Russell / Devin Grayson / Peter Snejbjerg / various
Publisher: Ahoy Comics
Page Count: 32pp
Size: 7 x 10
Notes: saddle-stitched, color
Date of Publication: November 18, 2020