- Description
A Special issue of the art quarterly devoted to the finest illustration art ever published.
By popular demand this is a second printing of the sold out issue! The inside story of the studio that transformed the Warren empire and revolutionized comic art. Jordi Bernet: Son of a cartoonist, Bernet created the comics' industry greatest anti-hero, the gangster Torpedo. Luis Garcia Mozos: The artist who brought to the fore a unprecedented realism into comics. Esteban Maroto: Known for his brawny barbarians and sultry maidens, we take a tour through this artist's fantastic world. Jose "Pepe" Gonzalez: How a love of drawing beautiful women transformed a young street urchin into the foremost delineator of the most iconic female in comics history. These and many other artists are profiled in this special issue.
Editor: Peter Richardson
Publisher: The Book Palace Ltd
Pages: 144pp
Size: 9 x 10.5
Notes: perfect bound, full color, imported from UK, 2nd printing
Release Date: May 1, 2019
ISBN: 978-1907081378