




  • Description

Iku Kawaguchi’s drawings of girls who are refined, fashionable, sleeping. Young women who are collapsing, vamping, strutting. Laughing ruddily, reading, petting, leaning, smoking, and looking in the mirror. In ballpoint pen, pencil, and watercolor.

Iku Kawaguchi lives and works in Tokyo. frozengirl collects drawings made between 2008 and 2023.

"Most of my motifs are women, but I think I draw something different. I'll leave it up to the viewer to decide what it is." - Iku Kawaguchi

“Their charming features had ceased to be indistinct and impersonal. I dealt them like cards into so many heaps to compose (failing their names, of which I was still ignorant): the big one who jumped over the banker, the little one who stood out against the horizon of sea with her plump and rosy cheeks, her green eyes; the one with the straight nose and dark complexion, in such contrast to all the rest, another, with a white face like an egg on which a tiny nose described an arc of a circle like a chicken's beak; yet another, wearing a hooded cape.” —Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past, Vol. II Within a Budding Grove - Seascape with Frieze of Girls

"Gorgeous" —Margot Ferrick, Yours, Dognurse

Author/Artist: Iku Kawaguchi
Publisher: 2dCloud
Page Count: 76pp
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Notes: perfect bound, color, French flaps
Date of Publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-1937541637