DH Publishing

Japanese Movie Billboards: Retro Art from a Century of Cinema


DH Publishing

Japanese Movie Billboards: Retro Art from a Century of Cinema

  • Description

A retrospective of the almost extinct phenomenon of billboard painting in Japan, this is a fascinating look at the golden age of cinema as seen through the eyes of Japanese artists and media.

Contains cover-to-cover, full-color photos, film trivia and historical background. More than just a mine of retro-kitsch, this is a unique look at Western cinema from across the ocean, for both casual readers who wish to flick through and explore the vivid images, and those interested in the historical significance of the depiction of the West and Western films in Japan.

Editor: Hiroshi Yokoi
Foreword: Brett Bull
Publisher: Cocoro Books
Pages: 138pp
Size: 10.5 x 8
Notes: paperback, color, out of print
Release Date: October 31, 2007
ISBN: 978-1932897289

Used/Vintage: Used & vintage items are sold as-is. All sales are final. These items are in good, complete and readable condition unless otherwise noted. But expect reasonable wear (most small press publications were printed with archiving in mind). No flippers or resellers, please.