King Koala Press

Marcel Swann's Bible For When I Will Die


King Koala Press

Marcel Swann's Bible For When I Will Die

  • Description

Through the publication in question, Swann has decided to take on a great challenge involving the granitic will to learn to feel one’s body so that one can finally recognize one’s sexual vocations -amid denials and predilections- focusing on the complex and probably still unclear sphere of paraphilias. The term in question derives from the Greek para ΠΑΡΆ=“at”,“beside”,“beyond”,and filia ΦΙΛΊΑ=“love”,“affinity”, and in psychiatric, psychological, and sexological circles refers to any intense and persistent sexual interest other than genital stimulation, or sexual foreplay, with phenotypically “normal”, physically mature and consenting human partners. This is unlike paraphilic disorders, and it should be emphasized, paraphilias are non pathological sexual preferences, strongly marked by an impetuous sensory channel. And it is precisely here that Marcel Swann’s reflection arises. (Domenico De Chirico).

Marcel Swann was born in 1986 in Brazil and then moved, still in keep old, in Tuscany. Early obsessed with the visual arts, at the age of twelve years old he began his activity as a graffiti writer, preferring style old school. He approaches photography for the need to archive, for then study them, the works of other street artists, quickly realizing that this is the medium most congenial to him for researching the various subjects of his interest. At the age of twenty-three he moved to Birmingham -England- for a year and then six months in Los Angeles -California-: in these two experiences begins to face professionally the world of photography on different fronts. From these experiences also begins exhibition activity in Italy and abroad. Each of his personal projects arises in the first instance from the study of books to then develop on a reflection that focuses on the means used, on oneself itself and on the time in which we are living by focusing on the signs sensitive that this offers. One of the main themes on which his gravitate works concerns the absence of desire – in Lacanian terms – in ours time. The project on the theme, which the artist called “Kill Jouissance”, develops in three phases. In 2017 the first book to it was released connected “Tears // NAH” published by Iemmedizioni where, exploiting photography and writing, create a personal research path using reminiscences and discoveries that rationalize – Gilles style Deleuze – his past. He is currently working on the second volume of the series that will analyze the sexual vocations, paraphilias, of individuals and how to accept them without the shame induced by society can be constitutive matter of a new Ego.

Author/Artist: Marcel Swann
King Koala Press
Page Count:
8.25 x 11.5
ADULTS ONLY, hardcover, color, limited
Edition: 200
Date of Publication: 2023